
Download these files and view them with Bino to get the 3D and surround effects.


Rolling Marbles 2D Preview
The Rolling Marbles scene, rendered with WurblPT.
360° 3D: rolling-marbles-360-tb.mp4 (preview on YouTube)
360° 2D: rolling-marbles-360.mp4 (preview on YouTube)
180° 3D: rolling-marbles-180-tb.mp4
180° 2D: rolling-marbles-180.mp4


Sponza 2D
The Crytek Sponza scene, rendered with WurblPT from data provided by the McGuire Computer Graphics Archive (with a few fixes to the material file and an additional environment map).
360° 3D: sponza-360-tb.jpg
360° 2D: sponza-360.jpg
180° 3D: sponza-180-tb.jpg
180° 2D: sponza-180.jpg
3D: sponza-tb.jpg
2D: sponza.jpg